


1. Entomophily Is the pollination through:
 (a) Birds
(b) Animals
(c) Insects
(d) Wind
(c) Insects

2. The tissues that provides support to growing shoots and leaves of plant body:
(a) Parenchyma
(b) Schlerenchyma
(c) Collenchyma
(d) Phloem
(c) Collenchyma

3. The tendency of plants to grow in response to the Influence of chemicals:
(a) Geotropism
(b) Phototropism
(c) Chemotropism
(d) None of these
(c) Chemotropism

4. The pigment imparts purple/blue colour to flowers:
(a) Xanthophyll
(b) Anthocyanin
(c) Betacyanin
(d) Haemoglobin
(b) Anthocyanin

5. Ornithophily is the pollination through:
(a) Birds
(c) Insects
(a) Birds

6. Zoophily is the pollination through:
(a) Insects
(b) Wind
(c) Animals
(d) Birds
(c) Animals

7. The hard parts of the plant body is made up of the tissues:
(a) Collenchyma
(b) Parenchyma
(c) Schlerenchyma
(d) Phloem
(c) Schlerenchyma

8. Japanese art of flower arrangement:
(a) Origami
(b) Ikebana
(c) Harakiri
(d) Sudoku
(b) Ikebana

9. The food materials from leaf are carried to verious parts of the plant body by:
(a) Phloem
(b) Xylem
(c) Meristem
(d) None of these
(a) Phloem

10. The tissues mainly responsible for food storage and conduction of substances:
(a) Schlerenchyma
(b) Parenchyma
(c) Collenchyma
(6) None of these
(b) Parenchyma

11. The plant used in space vehicles to maintain the level of oxygen:
 (a) Chlorella
(b) Azolla
(c) Cactus
(d) Porella
(a) Chlorella

12. Which is regarded as the basis of life?
(a) Cyteplasm
(b) Protoplasm
(c) Chromosome
(d) Gene
(b) Protoplasm

13. Penicellin was discovered in:
(a) 1908
(b) 1916
(c) 1915
(d) 1928
(d) 1928

14. Xylology is the study of:
(a) Fruits
(b) Wood
(c) Seed
(d) Flower
(b) Wood

15. Xerophytes are plants In:
(a) Deserts
(b) Oceans
(c) Ponds
(d) Rivers
(a) Deserts

16. The study of trees:
(a) Dendrology
(b) Pomology
(c) Xylolgy
(d) Oenology
(a) Dendrology

17. Who is the father of the Theory of the Inheretance of Acquired Characters?
 (a) Lamarch
(b) De Vries
(c) Darwin
(d) Johanson
(a) Lamarch

18. Who is the father of Mutation theory?
(a) Darwin
(b) Lamarch
(c) De Vries
(d) Mendel
(c) De Vries

19. Who coined the word ‘Gene’?
(a) Gregor Mendel
(b) Lamarch
(c) Johanson
(d) Bateson
(c) Johanson

20. Stratosphere Giant, the tallest tree in the world, is in:
(a) USA
(b) Russia
(c) China
(d) France
(a) USA

21. Annual rings are helpful to determine the ....... of trees?
(a) height
(b) Genus
(c) Yield
(d) age
(d) age

22. The study of fruits:
(a) Sitology
(b) Dendrology
(c) Trichology
(d) Pomology
(d) Pomology

23. Sericulture is the cultivation of:
(a) Silkworm
(b) Honey bee
(c) Garden plants
(d) Prawn
(a) Silkworm

24. Yellow revolution is related to the increased production of:
(a) Oil seeds
(b) Pharmaceuticals
(c) Wheat
(d) Cement
(a) Oil seeds

25. Black soil is most suitable for the Cultivation of:
(a) Jute
(b) Wheat
(c) Rice
(d) Cotton
(d) Cotton

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