


1. The book ‘Manninu Vendi’ was written by?
Ans: A.K Gopalan

2. Which was the opponent team of India in their 500th test cricket match?
Ans: New Zealand

3. Who among the following is known as ‘Martin Luther of India’?
Ans: Dayananda Saraswathi

4. __ of Indian Constitution provides right against exploitation
Ans: Article 23

5. Which atomic power station in India is built completely indigenously?
Ans: Kalpakkam

6. Name the programme introduced by Government of Kerala for differently abled persons for rehabilitation in 2017
Ans: Kaivalya

7. The Japanese writer who gets Nobel prize for literature?
Ans: Kazuolshinguro

8. Which among the following is known as the first political drama of Malayalam?
Ans: Pattabakki

9. In India which one among the following formulates the Fiscal Policy?
Ans: Ministry of Finance

10. Name the Indian state formed on 1st December 1963?
Ans: Nagaland

11. Which among the following is not included in the list of classical languages in India?
Ans: Hindi

12. Who is the winner of Harivarasanam Puraskaram in 2017?
Ans: K.S Chithra

13. Which among the following was the movement founded by Ayyathan Gopalan?
Ans: SugunaVardhini

14. Who was the first minister of foreign affairs in India?
Ans: Sushma Swaraj

15. Which leader is known as ‘prince of patriots’?
Ans: Subash Chandra Bose

16. The day on which right to information act came into force on is?
Ans: 12th October 2005

17. Palaruvi Express travels between?
Ans: Punaloor – Palakkad

18. Name the socio reformer who led Thali Road Samaram?
Ans: C Krishnan

19. International Day of Non-violence observed on?
Ans: 2nd October

20. Name the film which gets Suvarna Chakoram for the best film in IFFK 2017?
Ans: Wajib

21. Choose the odd one?
Ans: running train

22. Sound waves have high velocity in?
Ans: Solids

23 Which among the following fuels given has the highest calorific value?
Ans: Hydrogen

24. Electrons revolve around the nucleus in a fixed path called orbits, this concept related to
Ans: Rutherford

25. Which glass is used for making lenses and prisms?
Ans: Flint glass

26. Which reducing agent is used for the extraction of highly reactive metal from their ores?
Ans: Carbon

27. The scientist who arranged the elements, in their increasing order of atomic weight is?
Ans: Mendeleev

28. In which of the following condition does the evaporation of water take place?
Ans: Only above 100-degree celsius

29. What is the color that comes to the base of the prism if the composite yellow light is passed through it?
Ans: Violet

30. A very large force acting for a very short time is known as?
Ans: Impulsive force

31.The flower show ‘Poopoll’ is organized by?
Ans: Kerala Agricultural University – Mannuthi

32. Antibiotics are used to resist?
Ans: Bacteria

33. Which of the following is the major component of the vaccine for Tetanus?
Ans: Neutralised toxins

34. Name the blood vessel that supplies blood to the muscles at the heart?
Ans: Coronary artery

35. The plasma protein necessary for blood clotting?
Ans: Fibrinogen

36. Among the following which is not a vegetative reproduction method?
Ans: Hybridisation

37. Which of the following is a viral disease?
Ans: Dengue Fever

38. Find the off one?
Ans: Vitamin C

39. Goiter is caused by the deficiency of?
Ans: Iodine

40. Which of the following is a hybrid variety of Tomato?
Ans: Akshaya

41. Which one of words given below is different from the rest?
Ans: Ladies Finger

42. The angle between the minute hand and hour hand of a clock when the clock shows 3 hours and 20 minutes?
Ans: 20 degree

43. The calendar for the year 1982 is same as for which year?
Ans: 1993

44. Today is Monday the day of the week after 75 days?
Ans: Saturday

45. If GUN is coded as HVO, what will IBU stand for?
Ans: HAT

46. If a = 1/3 and b = 1/5 then the value of a+b/ab is?
Ans: 8

47. If 4^p = 8^6 then p is?
Ans: 9

48. If 70% of the students in a school are girls and the number of boys is 504 then the number of girls is?
Ans: 1176

49. A can finish a work in 20 days A and B together can finish the work in 12 days then B alone can finish the work in?
Ans: 30 Days

50. If the average of 13, 15 and a is 16 then a is?
Ans: 20

51. If TOM = 48 and DICK is 27 the HARRIS =?
Ans: 55

52. Sita watch shows half past three if the hour hand points towards the east the minute hand point towards?
Ans: South

53. A and B are a brother, C and D are sisters, A’s son is D’s brother how is B related to C?
Ans :

54. In which year project elephant was launched in India?
Ans: 1992

55. The transition zone between two ecosystems are known as?
Ans: Ecotone

56. ‘Operation Olivia’ was started for the conservation of?
Ans: Sea Turtle

57. The art and science of cultivating forest trees are called?
Ans: Silviculture

58. Wildlife protection act was enacted in the year?
Ans: 1972

59.My brother is 562 days older to me while my sister is 75 weeks older to him. If my sister was born on Tuesday on which day was I born?
Ans: Thursday

60. GLOVE is to hand as HAT is to?
Ans: Head

61. The perimeter of a square is 24 then its diagonal is of length?
Ans: 6 root 2

62. What is to be added to 2^36 to get 2^37?
Ans: 2^36

63. The average age of 50 pupils in a class is 10.5 if the class teacher is included the average increased by 5, then the age of class teacher is?
Ans: No answer

64. If the nth term of an AP is 2n+1 then the sum of first three terms is?
Ans: 15

65. The fractional form of 1/3 of 1% is?
Ans: 1/200

66. A good deal of time __ wasted on it?
Ans: is

67. Baby boom means?
Ans: Increasing in the birthrate

68. The synonym of absurd is?
Ans: Foolish

69. Opposite of affluence is?
Ans: Poverty

70. I _ the light?
Ans: put out

71. the word “Ad-hoc” means?
Ans: For the special purpose of

72. The absence of Government is?
Ans: Anarchy

73.Find correctly spelled a word?
Ans: Efficient

74. The idiom “to drive home” means
Ans: To emphasize

75. Which of the following word means a popular art?
Ans: Collage

76. The baggage ___ really heavy?
Ans: is

77. The principal and chairman ___ the meeting?
Ans: Has not attended

78. The passive form of “They have built a bridge” is
Ans: A bridge has been built by them

79. More than one _ playing outside?
Ans: boy is

80. Ram went to Saudi Arabia __ Year ago.
Ans: a

81.The boy jumped _ the pond to take the ball?
Ans: into

82. Stand up __ _?
Ans: won’t you?

83. Arun said “Charity begins at home” report the speech?
Ans: Arun stated that charity begins at home

84. If you help me.?
Ans: I would help you

85. A flock of sheep __ grazing in the field?
Ans: is

86. The flamingo festival is celebrated annually in?
Ans: Andra Pradesh

87. United Nations Climate Change Conference 2017 was held at?
Ans: Bonn, Germany

88. World bamboo day was celebrated at?
Ans: Sep 18

89. Vivipary is a characteristic feature of?
Ans: Halophytes

90. The grasslands in central Eurasia are called?
Ans: Steppes

91. Father of tropical forestry?
Ans: Dietrich Brandis

92. The first national park in Kerala?
Ans: Eravikulam

93. The scientific name of Indian Laburnum is?
Ans: Cassia Fistula

94. The first paper industry was established in India at?
Ans: West Bengal

95. The India state of forest report is prepared by?
Ans: FSI

96. The largest community reserve in India?
Ans: Kadalundi – Vallikunnu

97. The plants growing in deserts are called?
Ans: Eremophytes

98. Which district in Kerala has the largest area of mangrove forests?
Ans: Kannur

99. Tropical forest research institute is situated in?
Ans: Jabalpur

100. World nature conservation day is celebrated at?
Ans: July 28


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