


1. The significance of the third Carnatic War:
End of Political power of French in India

2. The British General defeated Peshwa Baji Rao 1?

3. Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Jnana Yoga are the works of which among the following social reformers of India?

4: The First Anglo-Afghan War (alse known as Auckland's Folly) was fought between British India and Afghanistan from 1839 to -------?

5. The First Anglo-Sikh War was fought between the Sikh Empire and the BritIsh East India Company between:
1845 and 1846

6. After 1857, who announced at a Durbar at Allahabad, the assumption of the Government of India by the Sovereign of  Great Britain?
Lord Canning

7. The Viceroy who headed the interim government assumed office On 2nd September 1946:

8. Who wrote the book ‘Bahuvivah’?
Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar

9. Who founded the Indian Society of Oriental Art to revive the ancient art traditions of India?
Abanindranath Tagore

10. Who is known to have founded the "Academic Association”?
Henry Vivian Derozio

11. Radha Swami cult was established by:
Shiv Dayal

12. In the 1937 elections, out of the eleven provinces Congress formed ministries in --------- provinces.

13. Who rejected the title of Knighthood and refused to accept a position in the council of the Secretary of State for India?
Gopal Krishna Gokhale

14. When the East India Company came into existence, England was ruled by which dynasty?

15. By which Act, the East India Company lost all its administrative powers?
Government of India Act of 1858

16. During the revolt of 1857, Birjis Qadr the son of the deposed Nawab Wajid Ali Shah, was proclaimed the new Nawab of:

17. Who among established the Calcutta Unitarian Committee?
Ishwar Chandra Vidhya Sagar

18. The Governor General who finally removed the Maratha Peshwa from his position, captured his territories and sent him off to a distant place?

19. Who was the Viceroy when Cripp's Mission visited India ?

20. In the Federation established by the Act 1935, residuary powers were given to the:

21. On 9th August, 1942, Mahatma Gandhi and the entire Congress Working Cemmittee were arrested in _______:

22. Which Act at aimed at separating the commercial and political functioning of the East India Company?
Act of 1784

23. The city where Swaraj Party was formed:

24. The first educational institute established by the East India Company‘s government:
Calcutta Madrassa

25. Which act was passed in context of 'Komagata Maru' incident?
The Defence of India Act 

26. Which movement was launched as per the resolution of Calcutta session and ratfied in Nagpur session in December 1920:

27. The Ieader of Hindu Maha Sabha related to Nasik Conspiracy Case?
Vinayak Savarkar

28. Where did Gandhiji organised a Satyagraha Sabha in 1919?

29. Who establishe Sanskrit College at Benarus in 1792?
Jonathan Duncan

30. Who started Anglo Hindu School at Kolkata in 1816?
Raja Ram Mohan Roy

31. Chakravarthi Viraraghavacharya was the first Indian to draft a Swaraj constitution for w Indi. It was presented at the Madras session in _______:

32. 'Salt suddenly became a mysterious word, a word of power' These words were spoken by whom on the occassion of Salt Satyagraha?
Jawaharlal Nehru

33. As per the resolution adpoted by the Committee of All Parties conference on 19th May 1928 who was made the chairman to consider and determine the principles of the Constitution of India?
Motilal Nehru

34. Who started the newspaper 'Vande Mataram' in the U.K.?
Madam Cama

35. The Governor General when 'Wood's Despatch' was proposed:

36. Who changed his name to Ram Mohammad Singh Azad, symbolizing the unification of the three major religions of India: Hinduism, Islam and Sikhism?
Uddham Singh

37. Who was the Governor General when Santhal uprising (1855-56) held?

38. The INA troops surrendered before the British army in _______:

39. Through which Educational Report, Calcutta University came into existence?
Wood's Despatch

40. The leader who initially opposed non-cooperation movement, but accepted it at the Nagpur session of 1920?
C. R. Das

41. The Montague-Chelmsford Reforms was published on July 8,_______:

42. The tribal leader who was came to be known as ‘Bhagawan’:
Birsa Munda

43. Who was the Viceroy when Archaeological Survey of India was established?

44. Who was the Governor General when a Tripartite Treaty among the English, Ranjit Singh and Shah Shuja of Afghanistan was signed?
Lord Auckland

45. Who was the Viceroy when India Councils Act of 1861 was passed?

46. Disturbed by the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre and encouraged by Mahathma Gandhi's plan for non-cooperation who resigned from ICS while on probation in 1921?
Subhas Chandra Bose

47.During the Quit India Movement a parallel government was setup by Nana Patil in____________:

48. The freedom fighter who was the only student to obtain his MRCP and FRCS in one year:
B. C. Roy

49. On 12th November 1930 who officially opened the Round Table Conference?
George V

50. Out of the total of 562 Princely States in undivided India, how many of them were within the new Independent India?

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